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General Bibliography


Ancient Authors

Herod. I. 74, 76, 77.

Stephen of Byzantium

Strabo. XII, 5.2.

Modern Authors
Until 1996

Alp, S.

1979. "Masat-Hoyuk'te Kesfedilen Çivi Yazılı Hitit Tabletleri", VIII TTKong, 165-196. Ankara.

Anderson, J. G. C.

1903. A Journey of Exploration in Pontus, 1-29. Brussels (Studia Pontica 1).

Beaulieu, P. A.

1989. The Reign of Nabonidus King of Babylon. New Haven and London (Yale Univ. Press).

Bittel, K.

1942. Kleinasiatische Studien. (IstMitt 5), 46, 54-58, 70, 72, 101, 223 Pls 27-28.
1960/61. "Legenden vom Kerkenes-Dag (Kappadokien)". Oriens XXII-XXIV, 29-34. "Spätrömisches Kastel bei AsapBaslı, Vilayet Yozgat".

Branting, S.

1996. "The Alisar Regional Survey 1993-1994: A Preliminary Report". Anatolica

Breasted, J. H.

1933. The Oriental Institute, 296, 298 Fig. 152 (from AJSL). Chicago (The University of Chicago Survey: XII).

Briant, P. (ed.)

1995. Das le pas des Dix-Mille: Peuples et pays du Proche-Orient vus par un Grec. Actes de la Table Ronde Internationale Toulouse 3-4 fevrier 1995. Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail.

Brown, S. C.

1988. "The Mêdikos Logos of Herodotus and the Evolution of the Median State", in Kuhrt, A. and Sancisi-Weerdenburg, H. (eds) Achaemenid History Workshop III, 71-86. Leiden.

Burstein, S. M.

1984. "A New Tabula Iliaca: The Vasek Polak Chronicle", The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal XII, 153-162.

Cargill, J.

1977. "The Nabonidus Chronicle and the Fall of Lydia", American Journal of Ancient History II.2, 97-116.

Cobbe, H. M. T.

1967. "Alyattes ‘Median’ War", Hermathena 105, 21-33.

Coindoz, M.

1985. "Recherches Archeologiques dans la Region d’Avanos (Cappadoce). Le Tumulus du Cec, Anatolica XII, 1-28.

Cornelius, F.

1964. "Zur hethitischen Landeskunde", BibOr 21, 11-15.
1967. "Neue Arbeiten zur hethitischen Geographie", Anatolica I, 62-77, Pl. V, Fig.3.

Cumont, F.

1910. Studia Pontica 3, 226-227. Brussels.

Del Monte, G. F., Tischler, J.

1978. Die Orts- und Gewässernamen in hethitischen Texten. Wiesbaden (RGTC 6). Drews, R.
1969. "The Fall of Astyages and Herodotus’ Chronology of the Eastern Kingdoms", Historia 18, 1-11.

Forrer, E.

1927. MDOG 65, 38-39, Fig.28.

Foss, C.

1975. "The Persians in Asia Minor at the End of Antiquity". The English Historical Review XC, 721-742. Reprinted 1990 in Foss, C. History and Archaeology of Byzantine Asia Minor (Variorum).

Garstang, J.

1910. The Land of the Hittites, 197, n.3, 4. London.

Garstang, J., Gurney, O. R.

1959. The Geography of the Hittite Empire. London.

Gates, M. H.

1994. AJA
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1996. "Archaeology in Turkey", AJA 100, 308-309.

Gashe, H.

1995. "Autour des DixMille: vestiges archéologiques dans les environs du ‘Mur de Médie", Pallas 43, 201-216.

George, J.

1976. "Achaemenid Orientations". Akten des VII Internationalen Kongresses für Iranische Kunst und Archäologie, Munich 1976, 196-206. Berlin.

Gelb, I. J.

1939. Hittite Hieroglyphic Monuments: No.37, 33-34, Pl. LV. Chicago (OIP 45).

Gerne, D. (trans)

1987. Herodotus: The History. Chicago.

Graf, D. F.

1994. "The Persian Royal Road System", in H. Sancisi-Weedenburg, A. Khurt and M. C. Root (eds), Achaemenid History VIII: Continuity and change: proceedings of the last Achaemenid History Workshop, April 6-8, 1990, Ann Arbor, 167-189. Leiden (Nederla nds Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten).

Greenewalt, C. H. Jr.

1992. "When a Mighty Empire was Destroyed: the Common Man at the Fall of Sardis, ca. 546 B.C." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society CXXXVI.2, 247-271.
1995. "Sardis in the Age of Xenophon", Pallas 43, 125-145.

Gorny, R. L.

1995. "The Alisar Regional Project (1993-1994)", BibArch 58.1, 52-54.
1995a. "Anatolia and the Balkans (Review of Anatolica)". BibArch 58.2, 58-61.
1995b. "Alisar Hoyuk in the Late Second Millennium B.C.", in Carruba, O., Giorgieri, M. and Mora, C. (eds) Atti delI Congresso Internazionale di Hittitologia, 159-171. Studia Mediterranea 9, Pavia.
1995c. "Hittite Imperialism and Anti-Imperial Resistence as viewed from Alisar Hoyuk". BASOR 299/300, 65-89.
1995d. "Anatolia And The Balkans". BibArch 58.2, 119-122.
In press. "An unpublished relief sherd from Alisar Hoyuk", Esse fest..
In press. "Zippalanda and Ankuwa: the Geography of Central Anatolia in the Second Millennium B.C.", JAOS.

Gorny, R. L., McMahon, G, Paley, S., Kealhofer, L.

1995. "The Alisar Regional Project 1994". Anatolica 21, 65-100.

Gurney, O. R.

1995. "The Hittite Names of Kerkenes Dag and Kusakli Hoyuk", AnSt XLV, 69-71.

Hains, R. C.

1971. Excavations in the Plain of Antioch II. Chicago (OIP XCV).

Hartner, W.

1969. "Eclipse Periods and Thales’ Prediction of a Solar Eclipse: Historic Truth and Modern Myth", Centaurus XIV, 60-71.

Hendrickson, R. C.

1995. "Hittite Pottery and Potters: The View from Late Bronze Age Gordion", BibArch 58.2; 82-90.

Huxley, G.

1964. "The Interaction of Greek and Babylonian Astronomy", New Lecture Series No. 16. Belfast, 1-13.
1965. "A War between Astyages and Alyattes", GRBS VI, 201-206.

Kirsten, E.

1959. RE 23, 2465-2466.

Kleiss, W.

1988. "Aspekte Urartäischer Architektur", IrAnt XXIII, 181-215.

Kuhrt, A.

1995. "The Assyrian Heartland in the Achaemenid Period", Pallas 43, 239-245.

Jamzadeh, P.

1993. "Few Remarks on the significance of the Idea of Four Corners to the Achaemenids", IrAnt XXVIII, 137-140.

Matney, T., Algaze, G.

1995. "Urban Development at Mid-Late Early Bronze Age Titris Hoyuk in Southeastern Anatolia", BASOR 299/300, 33-52.

Meriggi, P.

1971. "Ottavo e ultimo viaggio anatolico", OrAnt X, 57-66, Pls VII-XVIII.

Mitchell, S. M.

1993. Anatolia: Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor: I, 33n.74. Oxford.

Neugebauer, O.

"Planetary Theory", HAMA IV, 604.
"The Exact Sciences in Antiquity", 142-143.

Monte, G. F. del, Tischler, J.

1978. Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiforms 6, 66, 151, 199. (TAVO).

Müller-Karpe, A.

1988. Hethitische Töpferei der Oberstadt von Hattusa. Marburg (Marburger Studien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Band 10).

Muscarella, O. W.

1988. Catalogue of Bronzes in the Metropolitan Museum. Phrygia and Uratu n.3. New York.
1993. Review of AchHist IV, V and VI. AJA 97, 170-172
1994. "Miscellaneous Median matters", in H. Sancisi-Weedenburg, A. Khurt and M. C. Root (eds), Achaemenid History VIII: Continuity and change: proceedings of the last Achaemenid History Workshop, April 6-8, 1990, Ann Arbor, 57-64. Leiden (Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten).
1995. "The Iron age Background tothe Formation of the Phrygian State", BASOR 299/300, 91-103.

Newell, E. T.

1931. The Kuchuk Köhne Hoard. New York (Numismatic Notes and Monographs No. 46).
1932. In Osten H. H. von der and Schmidt, E. F. 1932. The AlisharHüyük Season of 1927. Part II, 51-74. Chicago (OIP VII).

Omura, S. (ed)

1992. Kaman-Kalehoyuk 1, 1-74. Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese).
1995. "A Preliminary Report on the Ninth Excavation at Kaman-Kalehoyuk (1994)", in Omura, S. (ed) Kaman-Kalehoyuk 4, 1-48. Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese).
1996. "A Preliminary Report on the Tenth Excavation at Kaman-Kalehoyuk (1995)", in Omura, S. (ed) Kaman-Kalehoyuk 5, 1-69. Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese).

Osten, H. H. von der.

1928. "An Unnoticed Ancient Metropolis of Asia Minor". GeogRev 28, 83-92.
1929a. Explorations in Central Anatolia. Season of 1926, 18-20, Figs 22-23. Chicago (OIP 5).
1929b. Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor 1927-28, 16-18, Figs 7, 11-13. Chicago (OIC 6).
1930. Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor 1929, 17,160, 169, Map 1. Chicago (OIC 8).
1937. The Alishar Seasons of 1930-32 III, 21-22, Map III. Chicago (OIP 30).

Özgüç, T.

1982. Masat Höyük II, (Turk Tarih Kurumu Yayınlary V. Dizi, Sa. 38a).

Pedley, J. G.

1972. Ancient Literary Sources on Sardis. Harvard (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis 2).

Prayon, F.

1987. Phrygische Plastik. Tubingen (Tubinger Studien zur Archäologie Kunstgeschichte 7), 109-110, 154, Taf.17 g-h..

Prayon, F.,Wittke, A-M.

1994. Kleinasien vom 12.bis 6.Jh.v.Chr. Wiesbaden (TAVO Beiheft B 82).

Przeworski, S.

1929. "Die Lage von Pteria". Archiv Orientalni I, 312-315.

Radke, G.

1959. RE 23, 1496-1497.

Ramsay, W. M.

1890. Historical Geography of Asia Minor. London.
1908. Luke the Physician, 215 note. London.

Roaf, M.

1995. "Media and Mesopotamia: History and Architecture". In J. Curtis, (ed Later Mesopotamia and Iran: Tribes and Empires 1600-539 B.C., 54-66, pls 50-54, col.pls. XVI-XIX. London (British Museum).


1932. RE 15, 2215.

Sancisi-Weerdenburg, H.

1983. The Zendan and the Ka'ba", in Koch and MacKenzie (eds) AMI Ergzbd 10, 145-151.
1988. "Was There Ever a Median Empire", in Kuhrt, A. and Sancisi-Weerdenburg, H. (eds) Achaemenid History Workshop III, 197-211 Leiden.
1994. "The orality of Herodotus' Medikos Logos or: the Median Empire revisited", in H. Sancisi-Weedenburg, A. Khurt and M. C. Root (eds), Achaemenid History VIII: Continuity and change: proceedings of the last Achaemenid History Workshop, April 6 -8, 190, Ann Arbor, 39-55. Leiden (nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten).

Schirmer, W.

1980. "Zur phrygischen Architecktur", Koldewey Gesellschaft Bericht 30, 43-46.
1993. "Die Bauanlagen auf dem Göllüdağ in Kappadokien". Architectura, 121-131.

Schmidt, E. F.

1929. "Test Excavations in the City on Kerkenes Dagh", American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures XLV.4, 83-92.
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Seidl, U.

1994. "Achaimenidische Entlehnungen aus der urartäischen Kultur", in H. Sancisi-Weedenburg, A. Khurt and M. C. Root (eds), Achaemenid History VIII: Continuity and change: proceedings of the last Achaemenid History Workshop, April 6-8, 190, Ann Arbor , 107-109. Leiden (nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten).

Stronach, D.

1967. "Urartian and Achaemenid Tower Temples", JNES XXVI; 278-288.
1978. Pasargadae. Oxford.
1987. "Apadana ii. Building". Encyclopaedia Iranica II.2, 146-148.

Summers, G. D.

1993. "Archaeological Evidence for the Achaemenid Period in Eastern Turkey", AnSt XLIII, 85-108.
1994. "Grey Ware and the Eastern limits of Phrygia", in Çilingiroğlu, A. and French, D. H. (eds) Anatolian Iron Ages 3, 241-252. London (BIAA Monograph 16).
1995. "Kerkenes Dag 1993". XII. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı: 30 Mayıs - 3 Haziran 1994 Ankara. Ankara 567-582.
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Summers, G. D., Summers, M. E. F.

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Summers, G. D., Summers, M. E. F., Ahmet, K.

1995. "The Regional Survey at Kerkenes Dað: an Interim Report on the Seasons of 1993 and 1994" AnSt XLV; 43-68.

Todd, I. A.

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Tuplin, C.

1987a. "Xenophon and the Garrisons of the Achaemenid Empire", AMI XX, 167-245.
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Waters, M.

1996. "Darius and The Achaemenid Line", The Ancient History Bulletin X.1, 11-18.

Zimansky, P.

1995. "An Urartian Ozymandias", Bibarch 58.2, 34-40.
1995. "Xenophon and the Urartian Legacy", Pallas 43, 255-268.
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