Not all sites in the gazetteer
have yet been visited and some fall outside the Kerkenes survey area
(and are being investigated by Gorny’s team): The latter sites
are included because the may have relevance for Kerkenes. Survey: GDS 15/9/1993 Description. a small mound c. 500rn. east of the village on the Tenirezli road, on the left of the track just before the newer cemeteries, with fairly recent graves on top. Oval in shape, perhaps 40 by 20 by 4rn. There is a canalized stream at the foot. Balloon photographs were taken in 1993. Examination of the stream banks and the surrounding ploughed fields does not suggest that much lies below the present ground surface, but this could be checked with the corer. Date: EBA, IA Survey: GDS 20/8/93 and subsequent visits Description: building complex c. 500m.. north of the northern tip of Kerkenes Dağ city, above the confluence of two streams. Cut by the track from Babali to Gözbaba. There is a çeşme at the site. Many turnuli in the vicinity, all robbed, some very recently. The complex is extensive, extending east-south-eastwards on the north and probably on the south of the subsidiary stream. The main structure is well preserved. standing some 3m. Dry stone construction of large stones poorly fitted together: stones at interior corner standing 2.OOnt. large stone centre right (photo) 1.30 by 0.60 by lOOm.; outside corner standing 2.40m. (photo) third stone from base 1.40 by 1.50 by 0.55m. Walls are very wide and some are double. The back wall (west) has corner buttresses. Chamber in main part of structure recently partly cleared, extant depth (= lit. of walls) 2.70, width 0.80, length in excess of 3.00m. An Iron Age temple with later (?Seljuk) additions and reuse, perhaps as a caravansaray. Date: very little pottery, one chip of green glaze does not by itself provide a date. Painted sherds: two, are paralleled at Kongurlu, suggesting occupation might be contemporaneous with the main site. Construction techniques suggest that the temple belongs to the IA city. Bibliography:
Survey: GDS 1994 (balloon photography) Description: on the slight ridge to the east of the Kale Dere by a reasonable perennial spring (?name). A large single complex which appears to comprise three rows of rooms. The walls are apparently of dry stone. The appearance is that of a way station or caravansary like building rather than a konut. It should be possible to draw a plan from the balloon photographs. Pottery: few red wheel-made sherds and some small tile frags were observed (but not kept). The general feel is Late Roman or Byzantine if the surface fragments belong with the occupation and are not later. Date: Late Roman or Byzantine, on the basis of the sherds. The extant nature of the ruins may indicate that it is not earlier.
Survey: GDS 18/8/93 Description: a small site on a low bluff between two streamlets, east of the Kerkenes city north-east gate (by von der Osten’s points 108-109). Stone walls of several rooms/buildings can be seen. Sherding poor. Date: EBA, Hell, some or all of the extant walls could be EBA, but by no means certain.
Survey: von der Osten, Meriggi 1970, GDS 21.8.93, Gomy 1994, GDS 9.9.94 (balloon photography) Excavation: Gorny 1994 Description: large (for the region) mound in the form of a steep sided, truncated cone. C. 1.5km. South-southeast of Peyniryemez, on the east side of a perennial stream in rolling crop land. Founded on an outcrop of conglomerate. Heavily overgrown with thistles dominant, some recent digging, especially on top. Perhaps 12m. of occupation. The lower part is to be flooded by the Esenli Baraj in 1994. Date: Chalco./EB I, EB II, EB/MB, Hittite, IA, Hell., Rom., Byz. Bibliography: Meriggi, P.
1971,OrAnt 10:65, Pl.XVI.2 Description: kale and
tumulus on a natural and very prominent hill. C. 20km. south-east
of Kerkenes and c. 4km. west-south-west of Ali~ar. H.H. von der Osten
describes the mined walls as similar to those on Kerkenes Dag (presumably
the Kale, although von der Osten may not have been certain that the
glacis on Keykavus Kale was substantially later than the city wall).
1 .5-2m. wide, constructed on a paved embankment. 76 by 76m. with
large towers on each corner. Several buildings can be recognized inside.
The tumulus chamber is of limestone which has been brought from elsewhere. Date: Tumulus: Hell.IRom.; Kale: Byz. Bibliography:
Description: a small site on a low, stony tepe behind the school. A good view of Kerkenes and Gözbaba. There are tumuli in the vicinity. C. 50 by 2-3m.; a single building. Not ploughed, few sherds. Date: IA (?Persian) Bibliography:
Survey: GDS 25.8.1993 Description: a small roughly square ruin in level fields between Emirhan and (Çakirhacili, as the Roman site on von der Osten's Map (Alishar III). C. 50 by 50 by 2-3m.; much small stone; a single building. Date: Roman, one sherd of HBB (?EB I) but nothing in the fields. Bibliography: Name: Cemali
Höyük Map: Yozgat 78-z Survey: GDS 10.9.94 (balloon photography), Gomy 1994 Excavation: M. Ozcan, Yozgat Museum Description: a mound on the north-east bank of the Kanak Su a little above the confluence with the Eğriöz Su. Shown as a Tumulus on the Alishar III map. Partially flooded by the Esenli darn in 1994, due to be completely submerged in 1995. Date: EB, ?Second Mill., IA, Rom., Byz. Bibliography:
Survey: von der Osten Excavation: Chantre Description: a mound.
Description: a mound c. 2km. east of Babali Köy. There is confusion since the “large mound near Babali” of von der Osten is evidently Kuşakli. Date:? Bibliography: Name: Taşlık Höyük Map:
Yozgat 77-u* Description: a mound c. 2km. west of Kuşaklı Höyük, c. 1km. north of Küçük Taşlık. A prominent conical mound on a rocky spur between Büyük and Küçük Taşlık, just clipped by the modem track. Occupation is restricted to the conical mound, elsewhere bed-rock is everywhere visible. Date: ?Chalco., EBA, Second Mill., IA, Hell./Rom. Bibliography:
Description: Also known as Kuchuk Köhne Höyuk and Uşakli Höyük. A largish mound with a skirt c. 2km. north-east of Taşlık Höyük, c. 3km. north-west of Babalı Höyük on the south side of the Eğiröz Su and east of the confluence with the Kötü Dere. According to von der Osten the mound is similar to Alişar Höyük and part of a town wall and gate are visible on the lower terrace. Observations made in 1994: late Hittite pottery from a trench dug to plant poplar saplings, just to the west of the “gate”, burnt mud brick is apparent along much of the edge of the skirt (?date) which clearly marks one or more walls, a Hittite worked block of excellent workmanship has been uncovered where the road to Taşlik clips the western edge and has been dumped on the small promontory. The mound is situated at the confluence of the KotU Deresi and the Eğriöz Su and sits in the wide valley bottom thus, like Alişar, it is probable that a considerable amount of early occupation lies below the present level of the fields. The settlement extends for a considerable distance beyond the skirt towards Ta~hk, the fields being littered with tile and sherds. There is a late mortared wall around the top. A hoard of Hellenistic silver
coins in a pot was found in 1930 (Newell 1931). Date: ?Chalco, EBA, Second Mill., IA, Hell., Rom., Byz. Bibliography: Name: Kale Höyük
Map: Yozgat 78-u*/v Survey: von derOsten 1928, GDS 16.9.94 Visit: GDS 19.5.1994,
photos The site can easily be seen from the main highway, from the southern edge of the automotive workshops on the west side of Sorgun and from the road to Mehmetbeyli just before the turning to the KucUk Kohne Koy. It is most easily reached from the north-east by way of a good field track. Pottery: as well as the sherds that were collected there are trays, early plain Cappadocian bowls and HBB. No Hittite sherds were seen. Date: Chalco./EBA, MBA, Late IA-Hell. Bibliography: Name: Tilkigediği
Tepe Map: Yozgat 78-v Survey: Osten, von der, GDS 3 1.8.1994 Visit: GDS 20.5.1994, photos Description: a small, prominent, conical site on the western side only of a low ton at the end of a granitic ridge. Just to the west or the road where it splits between Şahmuratli and Mehmetbeyli. The site overlooks the valley on the west (rather than the road on the east). There appears to be a poor spring at the base of the tepe on the west side. Perhaps 30m. in diameter, it is difficult to gauge the depth of occupation which clearly spreads down the slopes which are covered by a stone glacis resembling those on Gozbaba Tumulus and Keykavus Kale. There is a major wall, perhaps a tower, still visible. There has been some recent digging. The initial appearance is that of a largish tumulus that has had a trench dug Through it, but this is illusive or only a part of the story. The site was visited by von der Osten and appears on his unpublished map as Tavsun Tepe (check sp.). Information from R. Gomy. Half of a stone quern top stone, with square central hole and slots for wooden handle, at house. Date: ?EBA, IA (Achaemenid)
Survey: GDS 3 1.8.1994, 14.9.94 Description: On the northernmost
peak of the Tilkigedigi Tepe. There are ashy deposits but few sherds. Mortar samples were collected. The site has been much dug into in recent weeks. At the base to the west and on the saddle immediately to the south are circular and rectangular stone huts, some with porches, of some antiquity. There are chips of wheel-made red wares (which could, of course, post date the constmction). There is a poor spring at the base on the west side and traces of seasonal water on the saddle. Date: Byz. Name: Tavşangediği Dere
Tepe Map: Yozgat 78-v Survey: GDS 3 1.8.1994, 14.9.94 Description: occupation on the slope of a low, circular, prominent ton, revealed by the grey ashy soil from a very recent trench. Depth of deposit is 1.50m. plus but seems to be between outcrops of granite. Other stone walls are visible on the surface with sherds in the same areas, but it is possible that the wall are later boundaries. Burnt mud-brick is evident from recent disturbance on the south side below the rock outcrop. There are also circular stone huts of, presumably, later date. Occupation seems to be restricted to the north and west sides. Pottery: plain monochrome, dark with one lighter face. Simple rims, fragments of frnit stands. Few red wares. Vegetal and grit temper. One very fine sherd that has been later shaped by grinding. Chipped stone: flint blade and broken point. Date: EBA, Later
Survey: GDS 1.9.94 Description: small mound site on a bluff to the east of a poor stream. South of the coal tip, west of Tilkigedigi Tepe Tower. C. 20m., l.5m. max. depth. There is still a little water by the site although the stream is not flowing. It is possible that the mound has been quarried for mud-brick manufacture and was the source of the EB sherd and obsidian chip found on Tilkigedigi Tepe Photographed. Pottery: includes monochrome burnished ware with fluted decoration and one painted fragment. IA sherds resemble those from Tilkigedi~i Tepe Date: Chalco./EBA, IA
About lOOm. to the east, on a west facing slope, another patch of dark plough soil with a thin scatter of similar sherds and some tile fragments. Immediately above is a small unploughed area with large stones, presumably a building. Immediately above again is sterile plough soil. Pottery: as at the Kiremeflilc on Kerkenes Dağ Date: Byz. Name: Akoluk
Höyük Map: Yozgat 79-v Description: mound c. 1km. north of Akoluk village. Date: Bibliography: Survey: von der Osten Description: mound (name not known) on the east side of the E~ri Oz, just below the “E’ on the Alishar III map. C. 4.25km. west-north-west of Sanhamazali and c. 2.5km. east south-east of Akoluk. Date: Bibliography:
Description: a mound immediately north of the village, recently bulldozed away to make a football pitch. Few sherds remain. The höyük shown on a tepe c. 0.5km. north-east of GOzbaba, shown on the 1:25,000 map, is only an outcrop of rock. Pottery: Büyük Güllücek type sherd and plain burnished sherds. Also some late pieces. Date: Chalco./EBA, Late
Description: An extensive flat site 1km. north-west of the village on the south-east facing slopes to the west of the tsteyen Dere and probably extending to the east of the stream. A scatter of sherds but little or no tile, it appears that stone wall footings are being ploughed up. A stone relief with a horse is said to have been found and given to the Germans (presumably von der Osten) about 70 years ago. There is a Byzantine stone built into a house wall (photographed) in the village. Date: Late Roman! Byz. Name: Karapinar
Map: Yozgat 78-v Description: a flat site on east facing slopes. There are springs in the vicinity and the site is under crops. About mid-way between PurcUklu HuyUk (tumulus) and the Kerkenes Dag city wall. Cut by the tractor track. Much stone and a good scatter of slierds with some tile. There is a series of, probably, three Iron Age dams above the site. Information from Gozbaba Köy: coins are in the village and a helmet was found some years ago and sold for seven TL. Photos taken. Date: Roman Survey: von der Osten, Schmidt 1928, GDS 4.8.1994 Description: a tumulus on the high ground c. 1.5km. west of the Kerkenes city west gate on a bluff overlooking the confluence of the Purcuklu Deresi and the stream flowing from Kerkenes. Altitude 1379 (1:25,000 map). The largest and most prominent of a large group of tumuli, apparently the greatest group of such burials in the region. A large, shallow hole recently
dug into the top reveals nothing. There are good views of the Göz
Baba tumulus Bibliography: Survey: v.d. Osten, GDS 26.8.93 Description: a site on the peak of Kerkenes Dağ at an altitude of c. 1524m. (1:200,000 map). A large and prominently situated site that dominates the skyline. Presumed to be a substantial tumulus with a later tower on top and paved scarp that is clearly contemporary with the tower. A very substantial wall of crude dry stone, C. 400m. wide, encloses the mound on three sides and extends down the slope to the north to embrace a spring. Still a trickle of cold water in late August. This is presumably the Göz of Gozbaba; i.e. the Father of the Springs. The pottery is late Rom./Byz. There are some traces of internal structures, perhaps secondary. Other tombs exist in the area. This is the Kale on von der Osten’s Map: it may well have been a beacon. The views south, south-west and south-east are very impressive as is the view of Keykavus Kale, but the rest of the city is partly obscured by the intervening hills. There are obvious parallels with Tilkigedigi Tepe and the glacis at Keykavus Kale so von der Osten was perhaps correct. The site also lines up with the wide street on Kerkenes and was surely significant. Bibliography: Name:
Mekkime Höyük Map:Yozgat 77-v Survey: GDS 15.9.94 Description: on Gülü Tepe opposite Dutluk. A small conical tepe with enough soil to be ploughed on top. C. 30 by 15 by 2m. A small hilltop mound. Pottery: mostly HBB with a few finer pieces; grit tempered. Date: Chalco./EBA
Survey: von der Osten Excavation: 1990 Özcan (Yozgat Museum) Description: a mound south-east of the village. Partially submerged by the Esenli dam in 1994, will completely go in 1995. Date: EB, Hittite, IA Bibliography: Name: Gelingulu
Höyük Map: Yozgat 78-z Survey: von der Osten Excavation: Yozgat Museum, M. Ozcan Description: a large mound. Date: IA, Hell., Rom., Byz. Bibliography: Survey: Blackburn 1928 Description: hieroglyphic inscription from village. C. 1km. to the east is a shallow mound of Roman and Byzantine date, 1.8km. west is a large kale overlooking Yenice and 3km. east a large mound with EB - Byz. Bibliography: Name: Yayla Sira
Tepe Map: Yozgat 78-v Description: a small conical tepe with shallow occupation. C. 1.20km. south-east of Babalı Köy, bearingon Tilkigediği 120 degrees. Immediately north of the track from Babali Köy to the garage (on the Şahmuratli road, on the west of the valley of the Kale Dere. Just below the B of Babali. on the 1: 200,000 map. There is a spring, now a ce~me, close to the base. Max. dia. 20m., 2m. depth, there
is a recent plough scar down one side which clearly showed the greyish
soil of occupation (rather than burials). Photo: Nikon frame 15 Date: Chalco.-EB?